An actress is a person who uses her language, facial expression and gesture in front of a camera, on a stage or on the radio to portray a character. Before impersonating a character, an actress normally studies the history, social surroundings and the character’s personality. The impersonation can be executed by sticking to instructions (e.g. a script or stage directions) or by improvising.
The best paid and most popular actors and actresses are living and working in Hollywood, which is a district of Los Angeles, California. Hollywood is known as the home of the U.S. American film industry. Actors and actresses get awarded by the film industry to appreciate their work. The most iconic and popular award is called the “Academy Award of Merit” commonly known as “Oscar”, which has been presented every year since 1929.
Most well-known actors and actresses are also active in advertising, are more or less booked models or on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. When the US American Video-On-Demand (VOD) platform “Netflix” started producing their own content in 2012, they gave actors and actresses the opportunity to star in their TV-Shows and movies. Since then well-known actors and actresses are starring in Netflix Original TV-Shows and movies. The most famous example is the academy award winner Kevin Spacey, who was given the role of the main character in “House of Cards”.
One of the biggest female celebs in Hollywood is Angelina Jolie . The former sexiest women alive sets new standards with her erotic photos and sexy dresses.