Berlin - Tag & Nacht is a German daily soap that has been running on RTLZWEI from Monday to Friday since September 12, 2011. An episode lasts 45 minutes and always starts at 7:10 pm.
Fans like to abbreviate the series as BTN. The special thing about Berlin - Tag & Nacht is, that the actors are almost all amateur actors. The previously unknown actors have become real stars over the years. Thanks to Instagram and other social media platforms, they have built up a large reach and continue to earn money through their roles after their active time at BTN. The best example is Anne Wuensche, she has almost a million followers on Instagram and is very successful. Incidentally, we have numerous nude photos from her young age in her gallery!
Over the years there have been numerous spin-offs, for example Köln 50667, and imitations of the successful daily soap, but none of them came close to the shuttering rate of Berlin - Tag & Nacht.